100% Unmercerised cotton weaving yarns 5/2, 200g cones. Available in 18 beautiful modern colours. Weave on your table loom or rigid heddle looms.
**Please note:Unmercerised 10/2 has been discontinued – there is limited stock available of Pine Bark UMC808, Friar Brown UMC809, Chilli Pepper UMC812, Cedar Green UMC822, Denim UMC830, Daisy Pink UMC840, Honeysuckle UMC842, Scuba Blue UMC844, Dazzling Blue UMC846, Coral Red UMC848, Green Glow UMC852, Freesia UMC854 and Radiant Orchid UMC856. Ne 10/2, 1696m/1854yds **